Required General Education Courses

This course is an exploration of the origin and development of the human species, heredity and population genetics, and diversity. Through study of the origin and development of human cultures will describe material cultures as well as social organization. Content includes political systems, religious beliefs and insights gained through linguistic study.

This course is an exploration of the origin and development of the human species, heredity and population genetics, and diversity. Through study of the origin and development of human cultures will describe material cultures as well as social organization. Content includes political systems, religious beliefs and insights gained through linguistic study.

This course will introduce the student to art as a form of communication. The focus will be on drawing and the introduction of foundation art techniques. The knowledge and skill acquired is related to enhanced assessment and visualization as part of the communication process. The course will enable the students to apply a unique mix of skills in project management, understanding of science and breaking medical technologies, as well as the fundamentals of art, animation, design, and Web development. The course will enable the student to articulate a unique mix of skills in project management, understanding of science and breaking medical technologies, as well as the fundamentals of art, animation, design, and Web development.

Literally the term ‘illustrations’ can be defined as any kind of visualization such as painting, drawing or photograph or other kind of art form that depicts or elaborates a story or a particular story poem of textual information. The Art 300 course is a continuation of Art 200 which will introduce the student to art as a form of communication. The course will enable the student to articulate a unique mix of skills in project management, understanding of science and breaking medical technologies, as well as the fundamentals of art, animation, design, and Web development. *Pre-requisite: ART 200: Medical Illustration I

This course provides a comprehensive study of the structure and functions of the human body through analysis of the body systems. The student will progress from the cellular structure and function of each system to homeostatic mechanisms among all systems and the external environment.

This course provides students with an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of cellular and organ system physiology and pathophysiology. The course will include an introduction to the chemistry and metabolism of biological molecules including: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids; and coverage of vitamins and their components, with emphasis on their relationship to disease states and drug therapy. The biological basis of common clinical disease states is also examined. Pathophysiology is described as a disruption of normal homeostatic mechanisms that progresses beyond the normal compensatory capabilities of the human body.

This course explores the response of the human body to illness and injury with respect to common disorders of the major physiologic systems. Clinical correlations are provided to assist the health professional in applying this knowledge toward proposing therapeutic interventions.*Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 200A; BIOLOGY 200B

This course is a descriptive course in inorganic and organic chemistry. Basic laws and chemical calculations are stressed with an emphasis on theory and technique of qualitative analysis. Organic chemistry includes the exploration of the principles underlying the chemistry of living systems providing an introduction to the chemistry of bioenergetics, metabolism, biosynthesis, and molecular physiology.

Lab portion of the Chemistry 151 A & B: General, Organic and Bio-Chemistry.

This course is an introduction to effective oral communication through study and experiences in analysis, synthesis, and presentation of informative and persuasive discourse in a public speaking forum.

This is a foundation course in critical reading and writing skills required for university studies. This course focuses equally on writing and critical reading of a diverse variety of literature; preparation of research papers in which students accurately, clearly, and coherently synthesize ideas and information from a variety of sources and points of view.

A beginning creative writing workshop that introduces students to techniques of imaginative writing in fiction, poetry, and drama in a constructive workshop setting that includes analysis of published literary works.

A survey of United States history from the Colonial Period to the present emphasizing major political, social, economic, and cultural developments.

Principles of quantitative reasoning, data presentation, descriptive statistics, correlation, probability, distributions of random variables, sampling distributions, interval estimation, and statistical inference, with multi-disciplinary applications.

This course introduces the fundamental principles of microbiology, including general aspects of the structure, metabolism, multiplication, genetics and classification of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses; the methods used to control these microorganisms, the human body’s natural defense mechanisms, and selected microbial pathogens.

This course covers the basic nutritional needs of the body and the processes of metabolism, defining and contrasting catabolism and anabolism, and metabolic roles of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Considerable emphasis will be placed on alterations in metabolism and/or nutritional needs based on specific diseases, including diet therapy, evolving science and trends.

This course is an introduction to the basic principles of pharmacology with a focus on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and therapeutic implications for major drug categories as well as natural products, including principles of medication administration.

*Prerequisite: Chemistry 151A & B; Biology 200A & Lab; Biology 200B & Lab

This course presents a logical analysis of language and critical evaluation of arguments in everyday language; deductively valid and invalid argument forms; rudiments of inductive logic and scientific reasoning; informal fallacies.

This course utilizes analysis of empirical and normative factors involved in choice, types of ethical theory, and the nature of moral standards and judgments. Application of concepts will occur through investigation of value theories in philosophies of Eastern and Western cultures with emphasis on relevance to educational, aesthetic, religious and social problems. *Prerequisite: EnglishCollege Composition

A study of national, state, and local governments, national and state constitutions, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and the political processes, issues, and policies of those governments.

This course provides a general survey of psychology including development of the individual, learning, thinking, motivation, emotion and perception.

This course is a survey of the theories, philosophies, and problems of sociology, analyzing human relationships through a study of concepts, institutions, cultural origins, and social interaction and change.

This course includes development and application of the following topics: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Mathematics of Finance, Linear Programming and Graph Theory.

Nursing Theory and Clinical Courses

This course covers the techniques of history taking and physical examination of healthy individuals. The nurse uses these techniques when gathering and ordering data to identify patient health problems.

*Prerequisite: Chemistry 151 A & B; Biology 200A; Biology 200B; Philosophy 160; Microbiology 201; Sociology 100; English 101; Psychology 100;Mathematics 110

*Co-requisite: N220L

This course covers the techniques of history taking and physical examination of healthy individuals. The nurse uses these techniques when identifying patient problems. It includes demonstration and practice of physical assessment techniques with return demonstration to assess student competency.

*Prerequisite: Chemistry 151 A & B; Biology 200A; Biology 200B; Philosophy 160; Microbiology 201;Sociology 100; English 101; Psychology 100;Mathematics 110.

*Co-requisite: N220

This course allows the student to gain an understanding of nursing, develop the concepts of wellness and self-care, culture and blend the foundational knowledge during the process of assessing the client patient. It also provides an introduction to physical and social science principles, which provide the basis for beginning level theory and practice.

*Prerequisite: N220; N220L

*Co-Requisites: N250L; N260

This course is designed to provide guided utilization of beginning level knowledge and skill in simulation laboratory and some direct patient encounters. The student will have an opportunity to experience clinical practice based on the concepts of the nursing process and the framework for nursing practice.

*Prerequisite: N220; N220L

*Co-requisites: N250; N260

This course offers an introduction to understanding of the psychosocial and cultural factors, which influence the responses to the health professional-client interaction. Primary focus is on communication theory, helping modes and communication with diverse people. Clinically oriented simulated projects and activities provide opportunities for application of theory.

*Prerequisite: N220; N220L.

*Co-requisites: N250; N250L

This course is a study of the delivery of optimum health care to the aging client within a nursing framework within the nursing process. Emphasis is on understanding the unique needs of the aging population, encouraging health promotion and self- care, identifying variable responses of elderly clients to pathological conditions, and maintaining a level of function that promotes quality of life.

*Prerequisite: N250; N250L; N260.

*Co- requisites: N300L; N320

This clinical course provides the student with experience in applying the nursing process to the care of aging clients in a variety of settings. The opportunity for validation of gerontological concepts, principles and theories will also

be part of the clinical experience in select settings.

*Prerequisite: N250; N250L; N260.

*Co-requisites: N300; N320

This course entails the study and application to nursing of the physiological, social, intellectual, and emotional development of persons as individuals and as family members from young adulthood through old age.

*Prerequisite: N250; N250L; N260

This course presents an exploration of psychosocial concepts, cultural and environmental factors relative to wellness-illness of individuals and family groups with special attention to physically ill individuals. Groups’ interaction is directed toward development of self- awareness as well as development of the professional role.

*Prerequisite: N250; N250L; N260

*Co-requisites: N300; N300L

This course offers the development of intermediate level theory of wellness and illness during direct patient assessment and intervention. Foundational sciences, knowledge and skill are applied to the nurse-patient interactions and their instability of health and exacerbations of illness. Applying critical thinking and the nursing process to these encounters in order to develop appropriate nursing interventions, begins the intermediate level of student learning.

*Prerequisite: N300; N300L; N320.

*Corequisites: N330L; N340

This course offers a guided laboratory and clinical experience to assist the student to synthesize intermediate knowledge and gain skills in application of the nursing process in simulation and in direct patient care.

*Prerequisite: N300; N300L; N320

*Co-requisites: N330; N340.

Course presents a study of the laws that govern the practice of nursing as well as the basis of ethical decision making. The nursing profession as a service to society is explored as it relates to altruism, autonomy, human, dignity, integrity and social justice. The code of ethics for the professional nurse provides a foundation for this course.

*Prerequisite: N300; N300L; N320

*Co-requisites: N330L; N330

Course presents a theoretical base for pediatric nursing practice, including the care of the well and ill child from birth through adolescence. Pathophysiology of specific body systems and appropriate nursing interventions are discussed. Cultural and growth and development variation, psychological development, and family roles and structures are also covered.

*Prerequisite: N330; N330L; N340.

*Co- requisites: N350L; N360; N360L

The course will provide opportunities for the student to apply theoretical concepts from Nursing 350 in various clinical settings and with a variety of pediatric clients and families. The student will assess the physical, psychological, and cultural status of the ill child. The student will plan, implement, and evaluate ageappropriate nursing care for clients with common pediatric disorders.

*Prerequisite: N330; N330L; N340

*Co-requisites: N350; N360; N360L

The care of the woman during the reproductive years and beyond is the focus of this course. Issues of contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and related health problems will be covered. This course allows the student to apply the prior modes of assessing patients to this population before, during and following childbirth. Opportunity to promote the health of the mother and newborn, gain an understanding of cultural uniqueness will be addressed in this course.

*Prerequisite: N330; N330L; N340

*Co-requisites: N350L; N350; N360L

Clinical experiences are designed to provide an opportunity to apply didactic knowledge and skills in assessment of both normal and abnormal patient/clients. A focus of health care for these patient/clients is caring, health promotion and preparing each individual for developing with the new family member. Opportunities for exploration of how multicultural influences and financial strain can influence health care choices or opportunities for women and their families are offered.

*Prerequisite: N330; N330L; N340

*Co-requisites: N350L; N350; N360

Course is an introduction to mental health nursing and therapeutic communication in nursing. Focus is on health promotion/illness prevention as well as the management of common acute and chronic mental health problems with individuals and families.

*Prerequisite: N350; N350L; N360; N360L

*Co- requisites: N 370L; N380; N380L

This course provides the clinical experience for students to apply the theories learned in Nursing 370. The student will utilize the nursing process to apply theories and implement care for clients with psychiatric and mental health issues.

*Prerequisite: N350; N350L; N360; N360L

*Co-requisites: N370; N380; N380L

Advanced study of theory and research-based nursing care of acute complex illnesses and end of life processes are covered in this course. Focus will include pathophysiological states of select illness effecting clients and therapeutic nursing interventions appropriate for this population. Utilization of critical thinking to adapt nursing care approaches to diverse populations is also addressed.

*Prerequisite: N350; N350L; N360; N360L

*Co- requisites: N370; N370L; N380L.

Application of advanced clinical theory and research-based nursing care in acute care settings is the focus of this clinical experience. Emphasis will be upon the experience gained in the management of the client/patient with complex or co- morbid illness. A variety of settings will be used.

*Prerequisite: N350; N350L; N360; N360L

*Co-requisites: N370; N370L; N380

This course is the study of the community public health which is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency by organized efforts. Epidemiology, Morbidity, Mortality, Communicable Disease prevention and control, as well as roles of public health professionals in the health of USA populations will be included in the focus.

*Prerequisite: N370; N370L; N380; N380L

*Co- requisites: N 410; N410L.

The study of the current theory and research derived from the biological and social sciences, ecology, clinical nursing, and community organization is all part of community health nursing practice. The target for the generalist nurse practice is the community and families. The dynamic nursing process of assessing, planning, implementing, intervening, measurement of progress, and evaluation will be used to assess the aggregate populations in the diverse community settings.

*Prerequisite: N370; N370L; N380; N380L

*Co-requisites: N400; N410L.

This clinical provides the student with experience in applying the Nursing 410 theory in the community. Clinical practices will include student learning through home visits to families, office and clinic activities in school and industrial settings.

*Prerequisite: N370; N370L; N380; N380L

* Co-requisites: N400; N410.

This course will provide knowledge regarding the scientific research process. Nursing and the role of research, the scientific approach, and an overview of the research process will be included. Preliminary research steps including selecting and defining a nursing research problem and formulating hypotheses will be studied. Consideration will be given to types of nursing research approaches and research design considerations.

*Prerequisite: N400; N410; N410L

*Co- requisites: N430; N430L

Course presents an introduction to leadership and management theory and its application in nursing. The focus will include study of power, change strategies, for individuals and groups. Leadership of nursing clinical organizations toward effective nursing practice will be emphasized.
*Prerequisite: N400; N410; N410L
*Co-requisites: N430L; N420.

This course will provide opportunities for the student to apply theoretical concepts from Nursing 430 in clinical settings. The student will experience leadership and management roles in nursing service units with individuals and groups.
*Prerequisite: N400; N410; N410L
*Co-perquisites: N430; N420

This course offers advanced level theory and evidenced-based nursing practices as they relate to complex illnesses and populations. Course instruction will include foundational sciences, knowledge, skills and therapeutic nursing interventions. Utilization of critical thinking and review of pharmacological principles and pathophysiological states will be emphasized.

*Prerequisite: N420, N430, N430L

This course will provide opportunities to apply theoretical concepts from Nursing 470 in acute care clinical settings. The student will apply advanced level theory and evidenced-based nursing care practices as they relate to complex sets of illnesses in individuals and among populations. Knowledge and skills such as assessment skill, formulation of nursing diagnoses, care planning; implementation of care and evaluation will be combined with enhanced pharmacological experiences and exposure to pathology.

*Prerequisite: N420; N430; N430L

*Co-requisites: N470

Seminar is for student in their final quarter. Focus is on preparing for successfully transitioning into professional practice. The process and issues related to this role change will be explored. Personal and professional short- and long-term goals will be clarified.

*Prerequisite: All Nursing Courses

This course is an independent study. The student will be required to complete the contact hours as described in the syllabus under “Instructional Methods” and “Attendance”. These special topics course is an independent study which involves directed study through readings, projects, papers, community engagement, and/or focused seminars. Students pursue an area of interest with the guidance of the faculty mentor and create an original work focused on teaching and/or service. The course is intended to further student development through a process of applying leadership skills, assessing problems affecting quality health care delivery, and relating evidence-based practice in the delivery of care to vulnerable populations. The student is expected to complete a culminating project focused on University and Program outcomes and will upload the approved project on social media.

This course is an independent study. The student will be required to complete the contact hours as described in the syllabus under “Instructional Methods” and “Attendance”. These special topics course is an independent study which involves directed study through readings, projects, papers, community engagement, and/or focused seminars. Students pursue an area of interest with the guidance of the faculty mentor and create an original work focused on teaching and/or service. The course is intended to further student development through a process of applying leadership skills, assessing problems affecting quality health care delivery, and relating evidence- based practice in the delivery of care to vulnerable populations. The student is expected to complete a culminating project focused on University and Program outcomes and will upload the approved project on social media.