• Applicants submit a proof of completion of the National Institute of Health Course regarding Protecting Human Research Participants. It is free and takes about 2 hours. It can be found on the web at http://phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php
  • Applicants complete the AUHS IRB Online Application Form and submit it with relevant documents required.
  • The Chair of IRB reviews the application documents and designates committee members (at least two) with specific knowledge and expertise relevant to the research proposal for an initial review.
  • The designated committee members provide initial feedback to applicants if necessary changes or modifications are needed.
  • If no substantial modifications are required, the designated committee members submit initial feedback to the Chair, and the Chair schedules a committee meeting for the review of the research proposal.
  • If the research is approved by all committee members, an approval letter will be sent out to the applicants; if disapproved, instead, a disapproval letter will be sent out and further revisions are required until approved by all committee members.
  • The applicants need to inform the committee upon the completion of the research and submit a copy of any paper or article which results from the study.
  • The committee will retain the IRB record for 3 years.